Create and Sell: The Top 4 Social Media Marketing Channels for Your Business

If you run a business and you’re not using the internet for marketing, you’re missing out. Content marketing is a proven strategy to boost sales and increase ROI but which channels you use will determine how sales and campaign results pan out. If your objective is to create brand awareness and seek opportunities for advertising, look no further.
Whether you are a creative advertising company or an offline business who’d like to make the online switch, here are the top four content marketing (and social) channels for your creative digital advertising needs:
Facebook is the ultimate communication hub for businesses. Your customers have their own Facebook profiles and instantly connect with friends. Discussions and chats lead to referrals which point to your business. To start off, just by simply creating a business page on Facebook, you’re letting your presence on the internet known. There are over 2 billion users on Facebook and if your goal is lead generation, you have to use it. You can advertise your products through the messenger app or promote posts through paid ads which pop up in user feeds directly and reach a wider audience.
81% of millennials check tweets at least once a day, according to a report by Pew Research Center. The best creative ad agencies post tweets, share new ad campaigns and promote to customers through Tweets. Tweeting two to three times about the same time has been shown to be an effective strategy for boosting sales, although the tweets each have to be unique and engaging.
Twitter lets you connect with your followers directly without paying a penny, thus increasing organic engagement. In fact, it’s been shown to be 2000% more engaging than Facebook! For sharing links through Twitter, use link shorteners like Tinyurl and Bitly to make your posts crisp and clean.
The best creative agency uses Instagram as a channel for its content marketing repertoire. Instagram lets you share images, post videos and engaging content in a visual way. People don’t like to read which is why they lurk on Instagram. And there are over 500 million of them visiting on a monthly basis, to boot. You can link your images or videos directly to your ad campaign or product pages through Instagram for direct engagement. Always remember – Hashtags are your bread and butter on Instagram.
Creative Advertisement wins at Pinterest. If you run a creative business and want your products to show up, Pinterest is the ace up your sleeve and your go-to social media marketing agency. Focus on comparing what products are trending and write long and clear descriptions about your products and use hashtags for marketing. Pinterest, in a nutshell, is sort of like a visual search engine where images pop up. Link back your images to your landing pages to generate leads and sales.
There is no one answer to solving your content marketing woes. The way you market will depend on the type of product you’re selling and your ideal target audience. Carefully think about what you’re marketing, where you’re marketing, and why you’re marketing before using the above social marketing channels. And that’s how you ace your content marketing strategy and get those figures rolling.